Finding Work Life Balance - Knowing Your "Why" In Starting A Home Business

This is a subject most companies and individuals struggle to define, measure or even impact. Why is it hard? Because, while the definition might be clear - i.e. an appropriate balance between work and life, the interpretation can vary significantly.

The curse that work life balance creates is that it just gives you more of the same. You are still juggling. It doesn't actually remove the problem totally. It doesn't lead to you living your ideal life on your own terms.

We all have a negative inner dialogue that takes place throughout the day: "I'm too fat." "I'm not smart enough." "No one likes me." The chatter is endless. Take note of how many negative things you say to yourself and others during the day. Then, change your negative statements to positive ones. "I have beautiful eyes." "I'm very skilled in math." "My co-worker appreciates my ideas." When you have positive messages in your brain, you're happier in general.

With too many things to do in our lives and work taking increasingly more of our time, it is necessary to understand what is most important in our lives, what makes us happiest and most fulfilled. Those are the things to focus on in your personal time. Whether it's spending time with your family, a hobby or physical activity, find and do those things that recharge you most. Make them your priority at home. Drop the things that are unnecessary when something has to go.

Do you know how many hours there are in a week? 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day, that's 168 hours in a week. If you work 40 hours that leaves 128. If you sleep 8 hours a day, that's 56 hours a week leaving you 72 hours that you are not working and not asleep. That means that you are asleep more hours than you work and you have almost twice as many hours with your family as you work. With this in mind, what needs to happen to give you more work-life balance?

Meals together can mean reconnection. Today's hectic, mixed-schedule families mean a lot of us don't sit down for dinner anymore. Try to make a point of having meals with your loved ones as often as possible. If dinner hours are usually work hours for you, then use the weekend mornings as Saturday Pancakes or Sunday Waffles. Eat at your dining room table, not in front of a computer or the TV. If you go out to eat, go to a sit down restaurant where you can have a conversation at the table. Make it a policy not to discuss work; focus instead on topics that are of common interest to everyone at the table.

Values are formed in us from the day we are born, mostly by are parents ("you should not be doing that; that is BAD"; "You are so beautiful; you will be famous".), but also by peers, teachers, colleagues, and events in our lives. The interesting thing is that they are stored not in our conscious, reasoning mind, but in our subconscious, creative mind, so mostly we are not aware of what our values are -unless we start thinking about them. And as 95% of what we think and do is dictated by our subconscious beliefs, values determine our behaviour -and emotions- greatly, without us noticing much of it. In this case: you feel here out of whack, but haven't got a clue why exactly.

So, from your choice depends on your work-life balance. You can change everything, or you can stay at the same conditions. Usually you feel comfortable, but your family suffers from your job because it doesn't get enough attention from you.

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